Web Developer, Communicator.

I have over ten years of experience designing WordPress themes and plugins for multisite deployments in higher education.


Joseph Dickson portrait

Recent Posts

  • Fun with Microsoft Copilot

    It will not help you commit a felony, and will not allow further questions unless you start a new topic. Perhaps I should ask it in a more “creative way.”

  • Testing Webmention Plugin Automation

    I’m curious of Webmention will delete a reply from this post, if the reply, like, or re-posting is deleted from the Mastodon thread. I’ll be responding to my own post and deleting it the following day.

  • How I use my Freewrite Traveler

    I’m not an author, I have not ambition to be one and don’t intend on publishing the next great novel, screenplay, opinion, news article, or clickbait. I’m a Linux user and a fan of e-ink devices. A few months ago I purchased a new, first generation, currently the only generation, Freewrite Traveler directly from Astrohaus.…

Web Development Projects


Now is a collection of quick often error written, status check-ins and asides. Except without handing it over the data to a third-party platform. Want to know what I’ve been up to without advertisements, this is that place. Inspired by nownownow.com