Public Safety Power Shutdown

Journaling by a battery powered LED light from a Christmas decoration during a public safety power shutdown. I’m in San Dimas CA. Safe with my #fountainpen Traveler’s Notebook and a cold mug of tea. My dog Ginny is snoring in the room as I write and relax to the hum of a neighbor’s generator.

Our neighborhood is powered by a line crossing a high fire risk area, a dry creek bed hugs the development and I’m glad Southern California Edison recognized the risk. While fires have been burning elsewhere in the county in places not so fortunate to catch the risk in time.

OpenGraph Support Testing

My migration to ClassicPress just a couple days old I took notice of some of the areas to customize my experience. I had an old plugin to add OpenGraph support to WordPress sitting in bitbucket that proved a good starting point.

As for the current theme I’m using ClassicSixteen, a well built clone of Twenty Sixteen, and have made notes of small adjustments to keep elements like headlines and elements consistent between templates. A simple solution will be to create a Child Theme to standardize between the two. A permanent solution would be to create my own lightweight theme using CSS Grid. Just one problem, my web developer skills have become a little dusty. 😛

Plugin in progress, no warranty or support provided: