100 Days of GatsbyJS

  • Gatsby Planning Update

    Gatsby Planning Update

    As I finish the first few tutorials in preparation for #100DaysOfGatsby I hit a minor roadblock in the Fourth Tutorial by way of the Grave Accent used in text strings. This is probably the first time I’ve used a (`) in code. I prefer the more common apostrophe (‘) its easy to dismiss as dust…

  • My 100 Days of Gatsby Course Plan

    My 100 Days of Gatsby Course Plan

    This is my personal plan for #100DaysOfGatsby. It’s not intended as advice or a curriculum. Goal: Learn Gatsby and Headless WordPress using Gatsby and GraphQL in 100 days. Restrictions: No more than one hour per day. Methodology: Days alternate between reading documentation and application. Each topic should take at least two days to complete. Days…