Gatsby Planning Update

As I finish the first few tutorials in preparation for #100DaysOfGatsby I hit a minor roadblock in the Fourth Tutorial by way of the Grave Accent used in text strings.

This is probably the first time I’ve used a (`) in code. I prefer the more common apostrophe (‘) its easy to dismiss as dust on the screen.

In the screenshot above I initially missed it appearing after graphql on line 8 as well as the blocks of css that follow.

My 100 Days of Gatsby Course Plan

This is my personal plan for #100DaysOfGatsby. It’s not intended as advice or a curriculum.

Goal: Learn Gatsby and Headless WordPress using Gatsby and GraphQL in 100 days.

Restrictions: No more than one hour per day.

Methodology: Days alternate between reading documentation and application. Each topic should take at least two days to complete. Days listed are estimated minimums.

Allowances: Days off for holidays, planned and unplanned events as needed. This isn’t going to be a mad sprint of consecutive days.

Progress Updates: This category will provide progress updates that I’ll occasionally share to #100DaysOfGatsby on Twitter.

Pre Planning

  • Read Gatsby Fundamentals
  • Set-up Development Environment
  • Sample introduction tutorials (1-3) within Gatsby Fundamentals

10 Days: Intermediate Tutorials

Add additional days if needed to casually learn the following

7 Days: Theme Tutorials

Add additional days if needed to casually learn the following

16 Days: Additional Tutorials

Add additional days if needed to casually learn the following

18 Days: Headless WordPress

JS for WP Course: Headless WordPress with GatsbyJS

  • Watch a video and apply course tutorial

This concludes a minimum of 51 days

In all likelihood I won’t complete the above in 51 days. Many of the tutorials linked above lead to branches that should add additional days to this course plan.

If additional days remain build out a project.

Additional Project ideas

  • Build a GatsbyJS blog about this journey
  • Build a theme
  • Build a Headless WordPress site