How I use my Freewrite Traveler

I’m not an author, I have not ambition to be one and don’t intend on publishing the next great novel, screenplay, opinion, news article, or clickbait. I’m a Linux user and a fan of e-ink devices.

A few months ago I purchased a new, first generation, currently the only generation, Freewrite Traveler directly from Astrohaus. I absolutely love this device but it hasn’t replaced my drafting process, it augmented it. I prefer to write my first draft on paper and still do. However, instead of next jumping into a word processor and edit as I go, I now type up my draft on the Freewrite Traveler. Form written text and notes to wordprocessor, to Grammarly, to final published piece. For the purpose of this post I opted to publish this review without any edits, typos and all.

Yep, it’s more steps, but each step is quicker and depending on the product I could go from Freewrite to blog post.

The Freewrite is a Drafting Tool

The Freewrite Traveler is a drafting device similar to writing in Nano, Notepad, Mousepad (XFCE), or any plain text document. There’s no generative AI, no spellcheck, grammar check, or predictive text suggestions or automatic replacement, looking at you Android and iOS.

“What is ducking wrong with you people? I’m a people person! I deal with the ducking customers so the shift-head developers don’t have to!”

If you’ve ever sent a rant in a text or email to be autocorrected to “whatever” this device might be for you.

How does it work with Linux?

I’m happy to write that unlike most e-ink devices that force digital rights management or some random attempt at security. The Freewrite Traveler mounted as read-only, to my desktop, PeppermintOS without issue. I copied and pasted my three months of drafts instantly, all 81kb to a local folder on my desktop for an offline backup.

Admittedly, if the device sits for days without use it has difficulty reconnecting to WiFi, turning WiFi off and on again tends to solve the problem.

[This text posted to my blog without edit.]

My Freewrite Traveler on first boot when I received it in February 2024.

Logitech Combo Touch for iPad Air Gen 4 & 5

I’ve decided to see if my iPad can replace other devices and my journal for a week.

Yesterday I picked up a Logitech Combo Touch for my 5th generation iPad Air with the hopes I’ll use the device more frequently. Last June I purchased the iPad and Apple Pencil with the intention of using the pair for Journaling and work. However, I find that writing with the pencil is too slow, particularly if I need to perform any corrections.

Starting this evening I will attempt to use the iPad as a convergence device replacing my A5 notebook, desktop, and laptop devices.

Desktop Challenges

  • Replace Microsoft desktop applications.
  • Replace Firefox for desktop.
  • Replace Adobe CS desktop applications.
  • Video Conferencing.

Mobile Challenges

  • Use for Blogging, Micoblogging and Social Media.
  • Banking

Analog Challenges

  • Apple Notes to replace my A5 journal
  • Using the Bullet Journal Method.
  • Using Daily long form journal writing.
  • As an e-reader and Reading Log device.
  • General content editing.


I anticipate that typing won’t be an issue, but iPad OS apps will fall short of their desktop alternatives for anything but the quickest of edits. I also expect the hardware limitations and freezes to occur. I already dislike using Apple Notes as a journal replacement and hope to change my mind by forcing seven days of work onto the device.