Kari Sletten – @KariSletten on Twitter – www.icebergwebdesign.com/fun-with-forms
Conditional Logic!
Passing Variables!
Dynamic Surveys!
Custom PDFs!
- Have you ever filled out a form? — heck yah.
- A lot of this talk references Gravity Forms but can be reflected in other similar services
Conditional Logic
- Ask questions that contain different results depending on the results
- Customer example
- shipping company
- does your company use a factoring company
- yes / no — related questions dependent on answers
- customer example
- What do you want help with today
- four tiles leading to related questions
- Passing variables to forms
- School
- Schedule a visit
- Pre-populate form with data already captured in an earlier form to reduce the need to input it again.
- Schedule a visit
- School
- Police activities league
- one very long form that covers everything (seasonal sports)
- drop down select of sport — open or closed
- If open, you can register
- if closed, no option to do anything
- passing variables in a url
- select who it is you want to email
- you don’t see her email but she’ll get it
- ? variable
- assign variable to “elen’s email address”
- select who it is you want to email
- Survey
- Weighted survey from multiple domains
- How do they compare — are they worth targeting as customers?
- IE how much money does your business make?
- what industry are you in?
- Weighted values for each answer to a larger number — this reminds me of a buzzfeed survey
- Gravity Forms has filter hooks that can be manipulated
- add numbers, do math
- Display the results — see how you measure up to your industry peers
- Weighted survey from multiple domains
- Confirmations
- add score to notification email or screen
- set score value — show total
- send to a custom destination
Gravity Forms PDF
- Create a digital certificate PDF that’s downloaded from a password protected page