I submitted two talk proposals to an upcoming WordCamp

WordCamp Long Beach recently sent calls for speakers and volunteers to help launch their first camp. I’m excited an will definitely attend.

WordCamps are inexpensive conferences that focus on using the platform. These events are not cheap to host, fortunately there’s always a group of dedicated sponsors who see the value in our community and provide financial support so tickets can remain affordable.

The Talks

Right now there are two core features of WordPress I absolutely can’t live without. The Gutenberg block editor and WP_Query. Both have become core assets for me as a blogger, designer, and developer. I chose to submit talks on each, I couldn’t pick a favorite. 🙂

Why Volunteer for a WordCamp?

Community events provide an opportunity to share knowledge and connect with other WordPress users. When I started seriously using the CMS in 2012 I wasn’t yet aware of these events, I had jumped into theme development and was developing blind, learning as I went. In 2014 I attended my first camp in Orange County and every session presented solutions to a problem I had either ran into or would experience later. It spurred a productivity boom that I still benefit from today.

No matter how you use WordPress I would urge you to visit WordCamp.org and see if there are any upcoming events in your area. There may even be a local meetup on your dashboard.

Author: Joseph Dickson

Joseph Dickson is a front-end web developer with experience building higher education websites using Drupal and WordPress.