Logged into Medium

In the last Two Years Medium has regressed into Top Ten Lists and Things You Need to Know click-bait. It almost makes Buzzfeed look refined and dignified by comparison.

Medium is missing is a Harry Potter quiz and they’d be full tabloid.

Medium: Welcome back
Medium: Welcome back to nothing new from 80% of the people I follow

Those I follow who loved Medium a few years ago haven’t posted a single item in the last year. Kinda amusing when you consider that we’re in a pandemic and blogging has had a bit of a resurgence. They’re simply posting elsewhere, probably using WordPress.

Trending Topics are slightly better than Twitter’s version.

What used to be interesting, Mediums Trending Topics is largely garbage.

Nothing to see here.

I’ll be back in 24 months and see if it’s even still here.

Author: Joseph Dickson

Joseph Dickson is a front-end web developer with experience building higher education websites using Drupal and WordPress.