Yesterday I picked up a Logitech Combo Touch for my 5th generation iPad Air with the hopes I’ll use the device more frequently. Last June I purchased the iPad and Apple Pencil with the intention of using the pair for Journaling and work. However, I find that writing with the pencil is too slow, particularly if I need to perform any corrections.
Starting this evening I will attempt to use the iPad as a convergence device replacing my A5 notebook, desktop, and laptop devices.
Desktop Challenges
- Replace Microsoft desktop applications.
- Replace Firefox for desktop.
- Replace Adobe CS desktop applications.
- Video Conferencing.
Mobile Challenges
- Use for Blogging, Micoblogging and Social Media.
- Banking
Analog Challenges
- Apple Notes to replace my A5 journal
- Using the Bullet Journal Method.
- Using Daily long form journal writing.
- As an e-reader and Reading Log device.
- General content editing.
I anticipate that typing won’t be an issue, but iPad OS apps will fall short of their desktop alternatives for anything but the quickest of edits. I also expect the hardware limitations and freezes to occur. I already dislike using Apple Notes as a journal replacement and hope to change my mind by forcing seven days of work onto the device.
Update: I haven’t used it as much as I’d like: 🙂