Adopting A Low Power Day to Support Climate Awareness

The tripple digit heat wave hitting my region this week and this article in The Atlantic has inspired me to adopt a personal Low Power Day where I’m mindful of my impact on the climate and use low-power and no-power devices for entertainment, hobbies, and work.

Set An Example

Instead of drafting, editing, and rewriting this post on my computer I performed the zero draft using pen and paper, noting errors in the margins and later typed it using my Freewrite Traveler, a low power e-ink “typewriter.”

Additional Ideas include

  • Staying home to reduce the impact of unintentional consumption of resources.
  • Setting the theromstat to exceed power saving recommendations by set by the utility provider.
  • Reserving power usage for kitchen and other critical appliances.

If all Americans were mindful of today’s usage I expect we could reduce our casual power consumption by no less than fifteen percent, this regular activity would likely spill over to our regular habits during the week by way of, limiting screen time, reinforcing our preference for analog or e-ink book reading, and journaling as an alternative watching YouTube, streaming services, or grabbing a game controler.

The Vulcan Hello 🖖

Star Trek Discovery Season One was so under appreciated, particularly the pilot episode. Well, the entire series is now available on Blu-ray so I don’t have to worry about Paramount+ deleting it from their lowsy streaming service. 🤣

I still get goosebumps and choked up when I hear the theme song.