Notes from the live stream of WP Campus
Nathan Monk | Elaine Shannon | Session
After a post has been published you have to un-publish the post. It’s a pretty big deal as it takes the page down.
Moving from one single website user to multiple users created a need for “Border Control” and a governance process to manage the flow of contributions and edits. has an open beta
Policy Library
The default WP workflow didn’t meet the needs of St Mary University, they needed to restrict to offices.
They sent all posts to “Submit for Review” instead of publishing it live without review.
SSO conflicted with varied WP Roles be sure to test for conflicts before moving from WP to SSO accounts.
A good workflow tells the author/editor who the approving admin is so they can follow up if necessary.
Presenters would like core to focus on user workflows for users, post types, notifications etc.
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