Design Magazine Purge

The last few week’s I’ve been purging my 90s to 2010’s collection of Communications Arts Magazine. Today I took the opportunity to rip out pages that still inspire from this weekend’s six edition that were purged.

A page from the the 2010 Photography Annual featured an editorial photo of Jeb Bush for an article by Tucker Carlson in Esquire Magazine. Titled “The Future of the Republican’ Party.” That gave me a chuckle.

A ripped out page from Communication Arts Magazine Photography Annual 2010
An editorial photograph of Jeb Bush Chris Buck for an article in Esquire Magazine by Tucker Carlson. Ripped from my old copy of Communication Arts Magazine.

An article on Robert Miles Runyan who designed the “Star in Motion” symbol used for the 1984 Olympics was preserved. I remember heading downtown to watch the torch make its way through Los Angeles with my parents and brother. I was six at the time.

1984 Olymipics - Star in Motion Symbol - Robert Miles Runyan
Star in Motion Symbol for the 1984 Olympics by Robert Miles Runyan, 1980

Among pages ripped out include an online campaign for Carl’s Jr. & Hardee’s. An op-ed on Designing accessible spaces. Several photos of President Obama from his first presidential campaign and inauguration.

Ad Campaigns
A post 9/11 ad for Time Magazine and a Carl’s Jr. / Hardee’s social media and web design campaign featuring Kim Kardashian. I forgot we used to be able to attach custom backgrounds to Twitter accounts.

Obama Campaign Era Photography
Editorial photos of President Obama’s first campaign and inauguration

Cleveland Indian's racist branding
An ad from 2004 by the National Congress of American Indians

An ad published in 2004 by the National Congress of American Indians criticizing the racist identity of the Cleveland Indians who are finally rebranding next year.