Two Field Notes Bullet Journal System

A quick rundown of how I’m currently using Bullet Journal to manage my projects.

Pocket Notebook One

  • Monthly Log
  • Future Log
  • Collections

Collections and Monthly Log
Fields Notes 1: Collections and Monthly Log

Pocket Notebook Two

  • Rapid Log intermixed with the Daily Log

Rapid Logging & Daily Log Field Notes notebook
Field Notes 2:  Rapid Log & Daily Log notebook

Typo brand passport holder
Typo brand passport holder contains the pen and my two books

The First notebook with my Collections and Monthly Log, Future Log has lasted over a year and I’m only 1/2 way through it. The second notebook for my Daily Log and Rapid Logging usually takes 8-12 weeks to fill up. Once done I swap it for a new one.

The pitfall of using pocket notebooks is that it requires me to be very concise. At some point I may need to create a Index notebook just to remind myself what’s inside which one as they get used up pretty quickly.

Admittedly, it can be counter productive to have a dozen of these floating around instead of a single larger notebook.