Create a RSS Feed From An Indeed Job Search Query using Liferea
It’s been awhile since I last looked at, I’m happy to report RSS feeds still exist! Though they don’t promote them.
CPU / RAM Usage: Lubuntu 20.04
It makes me warm and fuzzy inside to see the CPU hog is Firefox with one tab open at only 5.7%… Not the OS, utilities, pianobar, or gnome pomodoro timer. ???? ???? The CPU hog appears to be Compton, I’ve disabled it since I’m not doing using transparencies, drop shadows or anything that requires it…
Theming Lubuntu Focal Fosa to look more like Classic Ubuntu
If I had to choose my favorite classic Ubuntu style that award would go to Maverick Meerkcat which was the regular support release that immediately preceded Ubuntu’s switch to the Unity desktop the following year. Note: If you’re looking for an authentic classic Ubuntu experience updated for 2020 install Ubuntu Mate, you won’t be disappointed.…