
  • Keeping Track of Books and Reading Progress

    An open discussion on how we read and our preferences for note taking, progress, comments, marginalia. Different users have unique preferences that a single app may not be customized enough for their own usage. Jacky has a library page with progress on his website at. I find this particularly interesting because it doesn’t appear to…

  • Hovercards

    A Hovercard also known as a h-card is a bit of content that’s shared about you on your website kinda like a visual/interactive business card. Implementation looks like Gravitar. It can contain far more information and is self-hosted.

  • Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

    Presented by Sarah Hibner The ephemeral nature of the web and lack of preservation within media silos. We tend to save bookmarks and excerpts. But not entire pages. Metadata is a Love Letter to the Future Sarah Hibner Meta data lets you turn around and do more with the information and there are different approaches…