


    www.vegasgeek.com John Hawkins Used a “call center” as an example of using WP REST API to solve custom data problems with WordPress. What problem does it solve? The WP Rest API provides endpoints for data types taht allow devs to interact with sites remotely Get Post Put Delete How would I solve issues? shortcodes, used…

  • I Really Enjoyed my WordCamp Santa Clarita Experience

    I Really Enjoyed my WordCamp Santa Clarita Experience

    I’ve been attending WordCamps now for five years and these events have greatly benefited me as a professional web developer, WordCamp Santa Clarita had no shortage amazing experiences, conversations or sessions. I spoke about my experience updating Kubrick for Gutenberg Watched as David Nuon MacGyver’d Gutenberg to create a Buzzfeed style What type of Poky…

  • First run through of my #WCSCV talk

    First run through of my #WCSCV talk

    22 slides and 30 minutes run time. I have plenty of room to drill down on any part and easily leave time at the end for discussion with the audience 🙂