Tag: wp-cli
Today we looked at WP-CLI at the Inland Empire Advanced WP meetup and I’ll be honest I was probably more excited than anyone watching me.
I’m a big fan of WP-CLI and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t break my live website. In fact I couldn’t delete a theme in the WordPress dashboard and WP-CLI removed it without an issue.
#hackwpcli day
July 20 is #hackwpcli day and to celebrate this occasion I decided to only post to my personal blog via WP-CLI. As the day continues I’ll edit this post, make adjustments and try as best I can to live in my terminal for the entire day.
I only started using WP-CLI a few days ago and quickly realized it offers far more features than just interfacing with the blog. You can perform several tasks in the database, even install another instance of WordPress. I saw a listing of commands that will you set up new templates for themes and plugins. Many of these are only practical in a testing environment but anything that speeds up the creative process is worth a look.