Notes taken during from E Lema’s presentation at WordCamp Orange County.
Take your own photos
Avoid stock photos, use your own artwork. Otherwise your website looks like everyone else
Use Headings
Everyone skims, keep it short.
Have an opinion
If you have an opinion, share your take. Facts are interesting, but not helpful your opinion is
Put your picture on the website
Build a personal connection
Always be helpful
Tips, opinions, expertise,
Allow comments
A great way to connect with your audience.
Don’t worry about looks
Content is what’s important
Have an About page
Why should people read your page, who are you. Make it personal. You can trust your friends.
Finish when your thought is out
Don’t write more or less than you need to.
You Don’t have to hit publish
Save it and decide later
Hit Publish
What will it take you to feel comfortable to hit publish. Use it.
Keep at it
Breaks are okay, promise to come back
You will find your voice
Don’t be worried it will come naturally with time. Let your voice come to you.
How do you deal with writers block? Start with a blank page. Choose a theme such as Inktober.
How do you choose a topic to write about about. Choose something you know well.
How often do you post? Once a week, fit it in where you can.
How many incomplete posts do you have? None at the moment. When it goes nowhere… scrap it.
Journal, smartphone notes apps are useful.