Watch me fumble installing WordPress

Today I gave myself a speed challenge that took roughly an hour because I forgot to use sudo while accessing mysql… multiple times.

[wpvideo tvUhsssx class=”data-temp-aztec-video”]

Other amusing things also happen. If you’ve got 40 minutes you can waste; curious how someone can mess up an Ubuntu + WordPress installation they’ve done at least a hundred times give it a watch.

WordPress logo with flames

Today I gave myself a speed challenge that took roughly an hour because I forgot to use sudo while accessing mysql… multiple times.

[wpvideo tvUhsssx class=”data-temp-aztec-video”]

Other amusing things also happen. If you’ve got 40 minutes you can waste; curious how someone can mess up an Ubuntu + WordPress installation they’ve done at least a hundred times give it a watch.

Author: Joseph Dickson

Joseph Dickson is a front-end web developer with experience building higher education websites using Drupal and WordPress.