What’s in my Bag?

What's in my Bag today?

Super trivial but I like to view these sort of blog posts from time to time. So here’s what’s in my bag today.

What's in my Bag today?
What’s in my Bag today?

That’s it, no adapters, the laptop has everything I’d need built in.

Author: Joseph Dickson

Joseph Dickson is a front-end web developer with experience building higher education websites using Drupal and WordPress.

2 thoughts on “What’s in my Bag?”

    1. It arrived with Pop_OS! 18.10, I haven’t had any real issues. I think maybe one or two freezes on wakeup in the last 2 months. I’m really enjoying it.

      I added i3wm for those times I want to code side by side with Firefox and make the best use of my seen.

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