Testing Webmention Plugin Automation

Webmention's plugin branding.

I’m curious of Webmention will delete a reply from this post, if the reply, like, or re-posting is deleted from the Mastodon thread. I’ll be responding to my own post and deleting it the following day.

Author: Joseph Dickson

Joseph Dickson is a front-end web developer with experience building higher education websites using Drupal and WordPress.

5 thoughts on “Testing Webmention Plugin Automation”

  1. I’m pretty sure the plugin supports deletes.

    But Mastodon doesn’t do Webmention, so I’m going to guess you use Bridgy, and I don’t think Bridgy sends deletes. (It’d have to regularly go through its entire backlog to make that happen …)

    Software that “natively” (or through a plugin) sends webmentions may very well send out (updates and) deletes, though.

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