I’m curious of Webmention will delete a reply from this post, if the reply, like, or re-posting is deleted from the Mastodon thread. I’ll be responding to my own post and deleting it the following day.

From the desktop of Joseph Dickson
I’m curious of Webmention will delete a reply from this post, if the reply, like, or re-posting is deleted from the Mastodon thread. I’ll be responding to my own post and deleting it the following day.
Comments are closed.
To do this I”m responding here and will delete this response tomorrow on August 3rd.
I’ll let this comment remain after August 3rd and hopefully the earlier deleted response in this thread will fall off of my website.
I’m pretty sure the plugin supports deletes.
But Mastodon doesn’t do Webmention, so I’m going to guess you use Bridgy, and I don’t think Bridgy sends deletes. (It’d have to regularly go through its entire backlog to make that happen …)
Software that “natively” (or through a plugin) sends webmentions may very well send out (updates and) deletes, though.
The plugin uses Bridgy, here’s to hoping that feature is added in the future.
Looks like webmention doesn’t check for updates, at least, not how I have it configured.