It beats fumbling with my phone to take a quick note.

These have become a tiny obsession over the last two years as I have tried and abondoned several note taking and productivity apps. None have been as quick or flexible as a pocket notebook.
When at my desk I generally slap it next to my keyboard to jot down anything I need quicker than I could switch to OneNote, Evernote, Google Keep, SimpleNote or whatever.
When away from my desk I can fold it along the spine and scribble something during a “walking” meeting. Tiny notebooks are hardly a revelation, people have been using them forever.
Before you ask, I don’t put passwords or sensitive information in these things. That’s what a password manager is for. 🙂
Life pro tip:
No matter how much we advance, sometimes a pencil and paper are the right tools for the task at hand.
Yep. It’s so much quicker than, hold on while I unlock my phone and open this app.