Javascript Loop

100 Days of Javascript

Javascript For Web Designers by Mat Marquis

Starting today I’m taking on the challenge to re-learn javascript. The last ten years have led to countless updates, APIs and new frameworks that I’ve largely ignored in favor of focusing on HTML, CSS and enough PHP to get the job done in WordPress. Day One: Relearning the basics Javacript for Web Designers by Mat … Continue reading “100 Days of Javascript”

My favorite WordPress 16.04 setup guide


Hacking my live installation led to losing my WordPress site a few months back. But, the best lessons are learned through stupid mistakes. Since I’m no longer cowboy coding here is my favorite guide to installing a WordPress server on an Ubuntu 16.04 system. Additionally I added a “must use plugin” or “mu-plugin” to identify … Continue reading “My favorite WordPress 16.04 setup guide”