Terran Empire Wallpaper

Break stuff, but don’t forget to have backups

I’m one of those WordPress guys who rant about keeping regular backups. Even using a fantastic plug-in that automatically runs a backup every weekend. Everything was running great and I had months of backups safely stored on my web server. Until today, I decided try and install Certbot without testing it on a non-production server … Continue reading “Break stuff, but don’t forget to have backups”

Remove Google Fonts from Twenty Sixteen theme

Remove Google Fonts

In this example I removed Google Fonts from the WordPress TwentySixteen child theme. function lbp_twentysixteen_child_dequeue_google_fonts() { wp_dequeue_style( ‘twentysixteen-fonts’ ); } add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘lbp_twentysixteen_child_dequeue_google_fonts’, 20 ); First create a unique function in the child theme’s functions.php file where style can be dequeued using the parent theme’s handle. Then add this as an action to run a … Continue reading “Remove Google Fonts from Twenty Sixteen theme”