Last week I created this short series of Terran Empire desktop wallpapers after catching up on the Star Trek Deep Space Nine mirror universe episodes.
Terran Empire Wallpaper
Break stuff, but don’t forget to have backups
I’m one of those WordPress guys who rant about keeping regular backups. Even using a fantastic plug-in that automatically runs a backup every weekend. Everything was running great and I had months of backups safely stored on my web server. Until today, I decided try and install Certbot without testing it on a non-production server … Continue reading “Break stuff, but don’t forget to have backups”
Remove Google Fonts from Twenty Sixteen theme

In this example I removed Google Fonts from the WordPress TwentySixteen child theme. function lbp_twentysixteen_child_dequeue_google_fonts() { wp_dequeue_style( ‘twentysixteen-fonts’ ); } add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘lbp_twentysixteen_child_dequeue_google_fonts’, 20 ); First create a unique function in the child theme’s functions.php file where style can be dequeued using the parent theme’s handle. Then add this as an action to run a … Continue reading “Remove Google Fonts from Twenty Sixteen theme”